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Our mission: Making DeFi accessible to all

Alldefi was founded by technology, security, and crypto enthusiasts who believe DeFi should be safe and easy to navigate.
Our Mission

Why we launched Alldefi

Alldefi was created for investors to access better passive income opportunities than what’s currently available in the markets.

Decentralized finance, DeFi, is a great way to earn passive income. But there are two big problems with DeFi today:

The first is the user experience.

Navigating DeFi platforms is clunky and takes time, even for seasoned crypto investors. The steps typically include setting up a wallet and securing the recovery passphrase, acquiring specific crypto assets, swapping, bridging across blockchains, and signing multiple transaction messages.

The second problem is bad actors.

Like traditional finance, DeFi attracts increasingly sophisticated scams, fraud, and hacks. Researching the most trustworthy DeFi protocols can be overwhelming for any investor.

Our goal was to offer a worthy alternative. 

How Alldefi works

We researched and audited thousands of DeFi protocols across 20 criteria. We then built a product that handles the cumbersome DeFi steps so you don’t have to. The result is a varied selection of trustworthy DeFi products for investing without friction.
We continuously audit new DeFi products for investors to access the latest, most trusted passive income products.


Alldefi's founding team comes from the cybersecurity industry. Security principles are ingrained in our corporate culture. That is why our clients' funds are held in a bank account.

Funds are never commingled or used for anything other than our clients' investment selections.
We’re also registered with Banco de España, Spain’s central bank. 
Alldefi securely manages cryptocurrency funds using multi-party computing (MPC), one of the most secure architectures available, through an infrastructure partnership. Our partner is certified to SOC 2 Type 2 and ISO standards for cloud, security and privacy.

Discover our team

Javier Aguirre de Carcer
DeFi Analyst
David Casalod Ezquerro
Lambert Despaux
Silvia Lacayo
Henar Val Hermida
Resp. Operations

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C/ Almagro, 15
28010 Madrid
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+34 919 618 540
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Registration: D669
Alldefi is a product of CherryNodes S.L. Spanish company CIF: B04945580 and is registered with the Bank of Spain as a provider of services of exchange of virtual currency for fiat currency and custody of electronic wallets.
Investing in cryptoassets is not regulated, may not be suitable for retail investors and the entire amount invested may be lost. It is important to read and understand the risks of this investment which are explained in detail at this location.